Test your connection speed (really)

I've been using Speedtest since I got my DSL and I'm quite satisfied with their service. Until a few weeks back, I saw a recommendation from a site I frequent about this connection speed test service that checks your connection real-time plus some extras. So I was interested and since then, I've been using their service. What site? Speed.io Internet DSL Speedtest. I tested my connection this morning and here's how my supposed to be 512kbits subscrition faired:

speed.io - Der DSL Speedtest

So if you're not that satisfied with what other connection testers are giving you, I recommend you try Speed.io.


cool said...

I performed my internet connection speed by using the http://www.ip-details.com/internet-speed-test/.
My speed test results are,
7.02 Mbps when downloading,
2.86 Mbps when uploading..