With today's technology, it is easy for those who own a computer to watch TV shows and movies online. Web 2.0 paving the way for easy access to streaming media resources which quite frankly, has free tv shaking on its knees. You can either choose to use a program to watch online shows or just settle for your browser. Both of which will definitely consume your bandwidth significantly. There are of course legal concerns that may entail watching copyrighted stuff off the net so just be on the look out what sites and software are legitimate and what are those that are not. If you're not into streaming movies, you can always revert to downloading. Peer-to-peer technology has evolved from your basic Limewire, Kazaa, eMule and the likes into Torrents. Here are some streaming sites that I've found through googling:
Just a disclaimer: Some of these sites are just receiving broadcasts from their members thus the legality of which are still questionnable. If you have more sites to recommend, just add your find here.
- How can I earn money by writing product reviews?
Reviews of some products will be awarded a small cash payment every time a member rates them "helpful", "very helpful" or "exceptional". To take advantage of this, write high-quality reviews about these products to ensure that you receive numerous positive ratings by other members. - How are earnings for member ratings calculated?
Your earnings for ratings of your reviews by other members are calculated by multiplying the number of ratings per review by the remuneration rate for each of the reviews written. These totals are then added up and your overall earnings calculated once a month. In case of half pennies, the total is rounded up in members’ favour. - Do I earn more for writing the first review about a product?
Yes. If you are the first member to review a product in a pay-per-rating category, you will be paid twice as much for the positive ratings your review receives as the rate indicated by the pound signs next to the product name. You will receive double the rate for the first month after you publish the review only. Thereafter, ratings will be remunerated at the usual rate.
Uploading to one host is already a chore. What more if you need to upload a file to multiple sites? Here's a scenario: you want to share a file to your friend from another country and uploaded it to Rapidshare. It took you 30 minutes to upload the file. So you send him the download link only to find out that Rapidshare cannot be accessed from where he is. Bummer. You upload the file again onto another host and waste another 30 minutes to get it hosted - but then your connection to the upload server timed out. Sucks doesn't it? Luckily, there are sites that offer mirror uploading.
So what is mirror uploading? It is basically a service that let's you upload your file to their server and let their server do the uploading to other one-click hosters. It's that easy. I've gathered a list of mirror uploaders that I've come across over the past months.
Available mirrors: Badongo, Depositfiles, Easy-share, FileFactory, Megaupload, Rapidshare, Sharedzilla, Uploaded.to, Zshare
Max mirrors to upload to: 4 mirrors
File Ducky
Available mirrors: rapidshare, badongo, sendspace, zshare
Max mirrors to upload to: 4 mirrors
Mass Mirror
Available mirrors: RapidShare, MegaUpload, zShare, Badongo
Max mirrors to upload to: 4 mirrors
Available mirrors: RapidShare, MegaUpload, DepositFiles, ZShare, SharedZilla, NetLoad, Uploaded.to, SendSpace, FileFactory, Badongo, Load.to, EasyShare, FlyUpload
Max mirrors to upload to: 6 mirrors
Available mirrors: Rapidshare, Megaupload, Zshare, Badongo
Max mirrors to upload to: 4 mirrors
Available mirrors: MegaUpload, FileFactory, RapidShare, DivShare, BestSharing, SendSpace, Uploading, FileSend, EasyShare, Badongo, zShare, Amazon S3
Max mirrors to upload to: 12 mirrors
Upload Ground
Available mirrors: RapidShare, MegaUpload, FileFactory, NetLoad, zShare, DepositFiles, Badongo, Load.to, FlyUpload, Sharedzilla, SendSpace, EasyShare
Max mirrors to upload to: 10 mirrors
Available mirrors: Mediafire, EasyShare, FileFactory, zShare, RapidShare, DepositFiles, Badongo, SendSpace, MegaUpload
Max mirrors to upload to: 9 mirrors
Almost all of these sites have a 100mb file size limit. Also, you have to follow the ToS of the mirrors you are to use. For more info, just view the site's FAQ.
Labels: Badongo, DepositFiles, easyshare, filefactory, FlyUpload, Load.to, Megaupload, netload, Rapidshare, SendSpace, SharedZilla, uploaded.to, ZShare
There are many programs offering to boost your website's traffic such as Internet Business Promoter, Internet Traffic Bot, etc. but they offer it for a fee. Would you want to have this kind of service for free? Good thing there's EasyHits4U. They offer to give you hits free with the concept of 1:1 ratio of site viewing. So how does it work?
Step 1: You signup here and have your website registered to their database.
Step 2: Click on Surf to view other sites. With each site you visit, they will refer your website to another user to view.
That's about it! So in essence, the more sites you surf through their program, the more hits you'll receive. You will also receive bonuses when you reach a certain number of visited sites such as MONEY, credit bonuses and more! So signup and get that website recognized now!